2006 Pitbull

Energy One


Does anybody have 2006 Pitbull issues? Just curious of what if any issues I should be concerned about.Thanks for the feedback.


I have a few issues with my Pitbull....

Kids scream and cheer at me while I'm riding.

Grown men try and drive right next to me to give me a nod or the thumbs up.

Cars in front of me have paid my tolls on the highway for me.

People take pictures of me with their phone camera while I'm trying to ride.

Women take their tops off !

.... I forgot to mention the problem... Side Covers Cracked and kept me from being able to go out and be distracted for about 6 weeks.


Look in the Tech section for "recalls and service bulletins" Also being a 06 you may have had a recall on you voltage regulator, you need to check this out and get fixed promtley if you bike is one of the affected.
Also as with all these bikes make sure you have a good complete tool set and check your fasteners from time to time. Mainly engine mount bolts and brackets.
